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Lesley Ralph Saddler

Our Services
  • Customers travel to my location
About our business
I have been working as a saddler with 30 years experience. I can communicate through text message 07783575727 and email [email protected]
I specialise in doing boots repair, zip replacements, alterations, gunslip, guncase and bags repairs, tack repairs and general leather repairs. If you have a query feel free to message or email. I would be happy to help you.

Website : www.https://lesleyralphsaddler.co.uk
Operating hours
By appointment only
Payment methods accepted
Services provided
Other Services
Boot repairs, hunting crop repairs, Handbags, Briefcases repairs. Dog collars and leads. Repairs can be dropped off in person by appointment only or sent by post.
Contact Lesley Ralph Saddler
Add any extra helpful info such as your telephone number, the location where the service is required and any extra details about your requirements
Lesley Ralph Saddler