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Services in South East

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Find a livery near you, local riding lessons, complimentary therapy for your horse, farriers, equine employment, stallions at stud, show services or somewhere to stay on a riding holiday plus much more in our horse services section.
The Pros And Cons Of Grazing Muzzles
The Pros And Cons Of Grazing Muzzles
You may have read my previous article about the challenges of keeping Rock (an over height Connemara) trim or you may have previously tried and failed with a grazing muzzle. Perhaps you’ve never tried one as you’ve heard the disaster stor...
By Caroline Ramsay
Equine Physiotherapy
Equine Physiotherapy
What is it and how can it help my polo ponies? What is sports physiotherapy and how does this relate to equine physiotherapy? Sports physiotherapy is common practice for all professional and semi-professional human athletes and the benefits a...
By Clare Hamilton
Managing Security Deposits And Holding Deposits For Your Yard
Managing Security Deposits And Holding Deposits For Your Yard
Livery yard owners taking deposits from their clients is now becoming commonplace, but many yard owners are still cautious as to the implications, and that such requests may put off potential clients. Here we explain the two types of deposit, and how...
By Cheryl Johns - Livery List
Why do horses yawn?
Why do horses yawn?
A question that is regularly searched online by equine enthusiasts - why do horses yawn? It is unlikely that there is one specific answer to this and many will choose to ignore this habit as it’s something humans do on a daily basis, but is the...
By Team Horsemart
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