Is it too late to get a foal out of an older mare?

'Is it too late to get a foal out of my 17 year-old, 15.1hh Welsh Cob? She is in good health, but I'm not sure whether she's had a foal before?'

The age of a horse is not always an issue when it comes to putting a mare in foal for the first time - however, the fertility of a mare can decline with age. Many of the challenges that would have plagued an older mare can now be readily handled with modern veterinary methods. 
Mares that have never had a foal will go through the oestrous cycle (as normal) and ovulate on schedule every 21 days throughout the breeding season - although fertility begins to decline at around 15 years of age, as mares become more difficult to get in foal and the rate of pregnancy loss increases.

Rather than natural service, I recommend that you consider artificial insemination due to the fact that it reduces a lot of potential contamination. With this method, you may be able to better manage the cycle too. Perhaps it is best to begin by consulting with a veterinarian in your area who is familiar with stud work and have them examine your horse at the beginning of the season to determine the next steps, or other considerations. 

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Published on 21-02-2022