The bad parts : Queenie can be a total diva on the ground and pony club rules apply when working round her. She’s not a fan of other horses and will kick out. She’s mareish and balshy when she is in season. She loves affection when it’s on her terms. She can get ants in her pants at a show but just needs you to give her the confidence.
The good parts : she’s a diamond for the farrier, physio, dentist etc.
she loads fine. Travels best on her own.
She’s done low level shows, arena hires and XC.
She tries hard in the school and loves jumping .
Very intelligent and learns quickly.
Thrives off a good routine.
Lives in a mixed herd no problem
Hacks alone(can get spicy) and in company (on the buckle )
All jabs up to date
Vet history available.
Advertising as I am going travelling. Needs to go to a good home preferably someone who has TB knowledge and some patience.
Would suit someone looking for a bit of fun to do low level bits on.