Absolute gentleman of a horse. Can't fault Junior on the ground. Great to handle, wash, clip, load, farrier etc. No vices whatsoever! He's just a cool dude. Impeccably behaved away from home on his own or with other horses. Can handle him by myself in all scenarios and occasions.
Lovely to ride on the flat and super fun to jump. Has jumped up to 1.30s but mainly consistently jumping 1.10s and 1.20s. Happy to pop around small tracks but moves up a gear nicely for someone who wants a bit engine behind there. Adjusts very well to who's riding him. Happily put teenages riding ponies up on him. Hacks out alone or in company. Has hunted a couple of years. Not spooky. Great confidence giver but very fun for someone who wants a bit more.
Proper ISH with TIH breeding of a connemara stallion out of a thoroughbred mare.
Suitable for just about anyone!
Everything available to view and try if you can travel to the yard. Potential buyers need to WhatsApp us a video of their riding ability through to - Click here to reveal phone number - nd we can assess suitability.
Located in Co.Cork, Ireland. Worldwide shipping available please contact us for a quote.
Price €14,000 Euro or £11,555 Sterling equivalent on day of sale.
Ref NOC224