Penny Bear is a beautiful 11.2hh 8 year old Welsh Part Bred mare. She's been with us a few years but has sadly been outgrown by my daughter & is not getting the love she deserves.
Penny currently lives out with a mixed herd but comes in the stable when the weather is bad.
Penny is a great lead rein & 1st ridden pony. She hacks out alone or in company. She can be forward off the lead but has good breaks, never bucks or rears etc, she loves her job and gets on with it like a pro.
Penny is always 1st to the gate when called she's a real people pony and loves attention. She's upto date with vaccinations, dentist and will come with new shoes (we only have her fronts done as she's not in full time work).
Penny comes with a full wardrobe, which includes saddle, briddle, turnout & stable rugs.
Please call/message for more info or to arrange a viewing. More videos of a small child riding her, stopping & starting etc and more photos on request.