He lives out unrugged all year round, is a traditional hardy good doer NF pony, very low maintenance. Currently lives in a herd and comes in occasionally for a groom, 3x yearly feet trims and annual vaccinations. I had him stables overnight for a few years and he loves the stable aswell.
Ideally I am looking for someone who does parelli, clicker training, or other natural horsemanship type methods. He is nervous and untrustful of people, these methods are the only thing which works to catch and handle him. He isn’t simply a case of getting to know you over time.
He cannot be ridden - he is unsafe. If you can manage to get him tacked up then once you’re on him he’s a coiled spring and bolts at the slightest thing. He is fine to box, ok with the vet (manageable) and generally fine to have his feet trimmed if you hold him.
He is a really lovely boy and I hate to be in this position with him, if money was no object I would keep him where he is at. He’s great in a herd and slots right in. If you think you could give George a home or know any low-cost herds which he could fit in with then do get in touch. I am open to anything whether I am still somewhat involved or not at all - as I am running out of options.