SITUATION & AREA AWARENESS: The property is located within the rural hamlet of Richborough which is known for its rich history and beautiful landscapes, making it a desirable location for those who appreciate the great outdoors. The nearby town of Sandwich offers a range of amenities, including shops, restaurants, schools and Doctors surgery and dentists.The Cathedral City of Canterbury, with its many cultural interests, superb shopping centre highly regarded schools, colleges and universities, lies approximately 12 miles away.Sporting and recreational facilities in and around the local area include the famous golf links courses around Sandwich which include Royal St. George's, Princes & Royal Cinque Ports in Deal. There is County Cricket and the Polo Farm Sports Complex in Canterbury and Wingham Wildlife Park and Howlets Zoo all within easy reach.Nearby road links give access onto the A257 linking onto the A256 giving access to Sandwich, Ramsgate, Deal and Dover and westwards, the A257 to Canterbury. Rail links are available with High-speed train service to London St. Pancras from Sandwich in 70 minutes and other London stations & the nearby Port of Dover and Channel Tunnel Terminal at Folkestone provide crossings to Europe and beyond.
LAND - GARDENS: The whole acreage at the location extends to approximately 0.55 acres (*TBV) and is landscaped gardens with a pond.The acreage and or land shown / stated on any map and or screen print for the property is *TBV – (To Be Verified), which means that the land has not been formally measured and or verified by Equus and or its sellers/clients. A Title Plan from Land Registry will have been acquired, where available, showing the boundary and acreage. Otherwise, an online measuring tool will have been used to ‘check’ the acreage against the Land Registry Title where possible. Interested applicants / buyers are advised that if they have any doubts as to the plot size and wish to have verification of the titles and exact area of the entire plot/s, they will be required to make their own arrangements, at their own cost, by appointing the services of a Solicitor acting on their behalf and an accredited / qualified company who can measure the area for a compliant Land Registry Title Plan.
Agents Note : The property is located on a working farm via metal farm gate.There is a legal right of access via the private farm road which leads to the property.
NUMBER & TYPE OF ROOM/S: 3 bedrooms / 3 receptions including garden room /3 baths -see attached floor plans.
PARKING: Multiple off road.
FLOOD RISK: Flood Zone 1 - Low Risk
LOCAL AUTHORITY: Dover District Council/ TAX BAND: F
EPC RATING: D 66/95 - Certificate number - Click here to reveal phone number -
SERVICES: HEATING: LPG tank in garden
SEWAGE: Septic tank
WATER SUPPLY: Water Meter connected to the main farm as a private supply
BROADBAND: see useful website links.
MOBILE COVERAGE: see useful website links.
HELPFUL WEBSITES: We recommend that you visit the local authority website pertaining to the property you are interested in buying for all the planning consents / restrictions / history and the following websites for more helpful information about the property and surrounding local area before proceeding in a purchase: | | || | | or-consumers/advice/broadband-speeds/bro adband-basics
VIEWING ARRANGEMENTS: All Viewings are strictly by Appointment with the Vendors’ Agent
Equus Country & Equestrian, South East/South West
T: - Click here to reveal phone number - br/>E: - Click to contact -
DISCLAIMER: All prospective buyers view all properties for sale with Equus International Property Ltd at their own risk and neither the Agents, Joint Agents nor the Sellers take responsibility for any damage or injury however caused to themselves or personal belongings or property.
By viewing a property with Equus you accept this disclaimer. If inspecting the outbuildings, equestrian facilities or any other building within the grounds you must wear appropriate clothing and footwear and children must be either left in the car or always supervised. Livestock should not be touched and all gates left shut or closed after use.