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With the highest level of craftsmanship and fabrication as expected of a Krismar product, these well engineered tack lockers, of aluminium construction with pneumatic tyres, are lightweight & easy to ...
5 days ago
£ 1,450POA

How Do Different Riding Styles Dictate Saddle Design?
There are generally considered to be two main types of riding style – Western and English. Western riding includes the disciplines of roping, reining, trail riding and barrel racing. English riding generally refers to the more familiar UK disci...

Tips For First Time Horse Buyers And Owners
Buying a horse is not something to be taken lightly. The choices you make in purchasing a horse, and the subsequent decisions taken regarding its care and management, can pave the way for the success of your equine partnership. Buying a horse is a bi...

Are You Buying A Horse? Find Out Where You Stand Legally
The investment required to buy a horse isn’t just financial, it’s emotional too. Before you hand over all your savings and your heart, it is vital to be aware of any legal requirements and your rights concerning your horse purchase. Then,...
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