3 photos

Colour Grey
Gender Mare
Height 15 hands
Breed Lipizzaner X Thoroughbred
15hh thoroughbred X Lipizzaner mare.
12 years old.
I have owned her for 7 years.
Misty has three lovely paces.
She hacks alone or in company around the farm tracks. She prefers company on the ...
5 days ago
£ 3,500

What I learnt from my first season showing
Hi, I’m Rachel, I’m 24 years old and based in the West Midlands. I run my family's small yard alongside my day job. I am a proud owner of beloved 22-year-old palomino Quarter Horse Billy and Hercules, a rising two-year-old Miniat...

What Should Your Horse Weigh?
As an independent equine nutritionist, I visit a wide variety of yards, horses, and owners, providing nutritional advice and recommendations. As part of the assessment process, I use my portable weighbridge to collect accurate body weights for all th...
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