XC - first outing Littleton, keen and bold, needs to be schooled more XC. Would consider stronger bit for first few outings if child riding, did everything he was asked but strong and forward. Could see him doing BE90/100 easily with a bit more mileage.
Originally bought for my daughter (9 at the time) who is a Novice rider (Walk and trot).
Although Abu can be ridden by her after being worked he is competitive and has a second gear and needs his education furthering. My daughter has a second better suited ride and Abu has been mostly ridden by adults/ teens for the past 2 years . Most of his education has been this year due to me realising he needs a child/teen to enjoy him and take him to the next level so planned to sell in summer after he’d seen a bit. He is worked 2 times a week plus an outing bi weekly,currently can be a bit looky hacking or have a buck going into canter when on this workload - when worked regularly none of the above. He was backed at 3.5 years but hasn’t done much before this year apart from hacking and schooling.
Will do a very nice dressage test/working hunter as schools beautifully and is a snaffle mouth. Easy to catch/lives out/in , with herd or solo. Open to Vetting/trainer and 1-2 week LWVTB. Full facilities available to try him out and happy to transport to show/XC for trial also. Tack available at extra cost.
Based Cobham Surrey