Bailey is great living out he loves it, he’s equally happy living in and being pampered- he was bought as a companion pony for my gelding and since then we have Done some work with him and he’s done some ridden work ( walk and trot only on the lead) and we have also lunged him and he doesn’t seem phased by any of this, he’s got one hell of a jump and is really sweet with children- he has only worked a handful of times and been wintered out so for this reason he’s a project/companion.
Baileys easy to catch, clip, load. Good for the farrier vet ect.
He’s a cheeky chap that loves attention
he has one eye, he lost his eye at 9 months old so knows no different and copes so well you don’t even know it’s missing, requires no treatment we are happy to provide any extra information on this if required.